Monday, 14 September 2009

HOMEWORK economics

My Lovely HomeWork.
"The Netherlands typifies a European fear that any big fiscal stimulus might just benefit others..."
When crisis hit on our Earth, all goverments,politicians and summit thinking about how to solve this terrible problem. "Clever" people wearing expensive clothers, on their hands are beutifuly shinining Rolex, Breitlings for each more than 15.000-50.000 pounds, near their tables we can see Montblancs and pens parker (about expensive suits i don't know) Different politicians came to the summit ( i dont want to remember about their cars^-^) to solve the problem which tought all people,cities,countries ( we think, i mean, simple people think, that they will solve it. As for me, some of them bark to each other, some of them drink English tea, and some of them try to sleep puting on there faces porn magazines) What am i talking about? Oh. yes. Summit.
On this party, we can hear a lot of interesting things, for example: "arguments rage about the right way to beat the crisis thought FISCAL policy" One fat man in a beatifull suit stands up, from his pockets protrude big piles of English Queen and he said " I am concerned about that Americans' plans could trigger 'hyperinflation'?"
After their talk they spend time about a PIFFLING 5billion euro infrasrtucture fund proposed month earlier by the European Commission. After that there were a lot of arguments about : rising unemployment and corresponding rise in welfare bills, falling tax receipts, soaring deficits and public debt.
On the end of this GLAMOUR party they was distributed by pink hate and blue eyes. Evrika! They came to general decission. And they chose fiscal policy. This is the best and right way.
Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and tax revenue collection to influence the economy.Fiscal policy can be contrasted with the other main type of economic policy, monetary policy, which attempts to stabilize the economy by controlling interest rates and the supply of money. The two main instruments of fiscal policy are government spending and taxation. Changes in the level and composition of taxation and government spending can impact on the following variables in the economy: